
Understanding RailTopoModel in 3 easy steps


Traffic management, describing rolling stock, access control, passenger information… Transferring this railway data can become a real headache if everyone involved uses their own format for representing data. That is why the RailTopoModel standard has been created, to make infrastructure data exchanges easier. How does it work ? What’s the use ? Your questions answered in this Ebook.

All you need to know about RailTopoModel, compiled in an Ebook

In order to optimise communication between actors in the railway sector, a unique standard, named RailTopoModel, has been created. And even though extremely convenient, this standard model still is overlooked. To help you get everything about RailTopoModel, GiSmartware teams wrote a dedicated Ebook in the simplest way to be as close as possible to what you face out in the field. It is thus structured as such:

  • The birth and aims of RailTopoModel;
  • How to use it: customised model or interface;
  • Macro, meso, micro: which level to use?

Time to focus on a model that promises even greater digital continuity for the railway industry!
Get your copy by filling the form below.

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